One of Queensway Secondary School's core value is Responsibilty.What does actualy our school aspect us to do in the issue of responsibility?we should be self-managable and accountability.We should also be able undertake informed decisin making.(found in our school website)
In informed decision making one should be able to
1. Define your problem.
2. Gather information and resources.
3. List options.
4. Weigh, compare options.
5. Make a decision.
6. Make a plan of action.
7. Evaluate the decision.
8. Think independently.
9. Be responsible for your decision.
We could be self-managable and accountability by mastering the principles, processes, behaviors and skills necessary for an individual to assume full accountability for their own performance
1.Understand and assume accountability for own role, consistently aiming for exceptional performance.
2.Understand and apply principles of ownership for own choices, actions, non actions, successes and failures.
3.Understand and apply principles of ‘juggling’ the priorities of multiple stakeholders to meet diverse and often conflicting deadlines.
4.Understand and assume accountability for self development.
5.Understand how to maintain clear focus on goal achievement, confronting problems, conflicts and obstacles.
6.Understand and apply principles of balancing the physical and emotional demands of the job and work and personal life.
7.Understand self and apply self knowledge in appropriately guiding behavioral choices.
8.Be able to competently apply the behaviors and skills of self management.
It is imporatnt for students to uphold the school core values.Hope that we,Queenswayans uphold our school core values.
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