Friday, September 3, 2010

What Happens If You Lack Responsibility?

Taken from this person who has life experience of what lacking responsibility would do to her:

When I found myself pregnant at 17 everyone told me my life would change forever and I would regret it because I would miss out on things I wouldn't have otherwise. It never really bothered me because I figured nothing was more important than raising my child. Everything I was going to miss out on seemed so minuscule to the fact I was going to have a child.

Now, sometimes I find myself talking to friends from high school and other people my age, and begin wondering if maybe everyone had been right. I hear about their freedom to take trips, party, and just an overall carelessness for life and wonder what my life would be like had I not gotten pregnant at such a young age. Then I realize it is not their freedom to enjoy their youth that I miss, but instead their lack responsibility.

The lack of responsibility to be able to do as you please without it affecting others. To be able to do what you want when you want, to be able to put your wants and needs first, and to enjoy your early years without having to stop and think about how it will affect your family. No one ever tells you the crushing weight responsibility brings.

Some days I long to be free from responsibility but then I turn around and see my 3 sons and realize my life means so much more now than if I were to be out aimlessly enjoying what life has to offer if I had not had children. Sure I missed my prom, graduation, and rarely get to go anywhere that doesn't include diapers and groceries, but I wouldn't trade any of it. I am content with the fact I sacrificed my youth to raise three well rounded young boys that will someday be men with something great to offer the world.

This is what the lack of responsibility has done to her. I urge all readers not to make the same mistake.


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